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NWP Services
Art Direction :: UX
NWP was looking for a website redesign that was more approachable, and easier to navigate than their site was at the time. I was tasked with Art Directing a designer to translate the client's needs into a new clean and modern look & feel.
NWP helps property owners, managers, and residents keep their utilities in working order but ensure that it is done in the most 'Green' way possible. They are dedicated to creating the most environmentally friendly living spaces, yet their website was very cold and direct.
Problem Analysis
and Concepting
One of the major pain points for this project was that the client had multiple portals for each facet of the website; residents, managers, etc. Organizing and simplifying how to navigate through the site was an essential first step.
Developing the sitemap and distribution of content was the first step in the process. This gave the designer a clear idea on pages needed, but also how much content would be in each section. This proved vital to keeping the creative as clean and intuitive
as possible.
Creative Refinement
After refining the information architecture and getting client sign-off, I was able to begin establishing a visual style and hierarchy with the designer. We iterated through ways of displaying important information as well as experimenting with formats that felt warm
and welcoming for users, new and current.
The Solution
Final deliverables to the client were very well received. The redesign successfully organized a lot of content and made it easy to navigate and find. We infused a color scheme that was true to the brand yet felt all together new and provided the site with that welcoming feel the client wanted.
Although at this point I had done some tertiary Art Direction, this was the first time I was solely responsible for being a conduit between a client and another designer. It was a great experience and really changed how I approached working with others.
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